This week is particularly stressful as exams are a week away now and I have so much material to cover. I am for lack of a better phrase in full on freak out mode. None the less I still talk to pet everyday. We Skyped briefly last night so I could see the new toys she picked up. A lovely new plug that is shaped to also be a prostate massager and G-spot toy, how clever I thought. I made her put it in as I watched, sitting in a study hall with plenty of people nearby. To say she was embarrassed is an understatement, but the moans she made even after it was in and she had sat down told me she loved that idea. That and the fact she told me in mid conversation her panties were soaking through and she had started touching herself. This is why I love her, she's as filthy as I am. Thats one of a many reasons, of course.
Sitting there though I suddenly got quite sad, I wanted to reach through the screen and just touch her, just for a second, so badly. I miss her terribly. I still have another month and three weeks left here until I get to see her and I know it's only going to get worse before it gets better.
The image above caught my attention because it's exactly how I've imagined her waiting for me when walk through the door from a day at work, long in the future when I'm home and we're starting to rebuild our lives together.